The Books

God Given Wisdom
This book is about hearing the voice of God guide every step you take. It is aimed at helping you recognise the guidance which comes from the Holy Spirit and how that can make an incredible difference in your life.
It is based on the lives of a family and the community around them which includes Diamond Valley Baptist Church. It documents how the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ can lead to so many of those special God-incidences.
Only a loving heavenly father could see so far into the future to connect those moments into something special.
-Sue Moss
Download the free eBook here:
The Great Love
‘The Great Love of God’ is the true story of approximately one year in our family’s life. It starts with my husband David’s collapse at work, and my unexpected prayer on that day of “Lord, why have I never gone through a trial in my life?” However, it does not just focus on what happened to us, it includes special short stories of other people that became a part of our journey during that year. Our story and the stories of others show God’s love for people and how even though we sometimes suffer pain, He is there with us. So many God incidences happened during this time, that I hope it will be hard for anyone after reading this book to deny the existence of God.
The book ‘The Great Love of God’ is a very different book than God Given Wisdom. Samples of it are in Section 2 of God Given Wisdom, please judge it on the samples, not on the basis of God Given Wisdom, because these books are so different in character, style and pace. These samples are of average to good sections from the book -they are not the best of it. It is this way because the incredible and very special parts should be read for the first time only as part of the whole story.
of God
To help determine the number of books to initially print I would appreciate an expression of interest in it:
The cost of the book is unknown at this stage and will obviously determine to a degree your interest in it. I do not intend to make this book available as an eBook. All I know is it will be printed in Australia and I am hoping $15-$18 is an achievable retail value for Christian book stores.
If you would like to be notified when the book ‘The Great Love of God’ is going to be released, please fill out the form below. This will help me with printing quantities.
Thank you for your assistance and interest in the book: The Great Love of God.